Building IoT Implementation with Tizen OS

Building IoT Implementation with Tizen OS

Tizen OS is an operating system based on the Linux kernel and the GNU C Library implementing the Linux API, works on a wide range of devices. Tizen is said to be the next Samsung OS because Samsung wants to reduce its dependence on Android and Google.

Tizen works in most devices we use daily such as smartphones, smartwatches, Blu-ray players, printers, tablets, in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) devices, smart cameras, smart TVs, PCs, and smart home appliances. Which is why it is a big chance for developers to build their own IoT devices with Tizen Mobile Backend App.

For developers, they can build various implementation of Internet of Things or application for Tizen OS. Tizen right now has started all the campaigns to gather developers building implementation for Tizen.

Not just an application, Tizen also works in many devices for Internet of Things implementation. IoT with a huge market can be promising for developers to start using Tizen.

Tizen strongly supports developers who build applications using HTML5. Even the official guidelines for developing applications using HTML5 on Tizen has been available since it is released. Different with Android, Google officially supports Android application development using Java. To develop Android apps using HTML5, you have to use a third-party developer.

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